While it's often profitable, it takes a lot of work to manage an auto body shop. Considering that, many of these individuals are utilizing auto repair software. If you're thinking of updating your auto shop, it's important to think about partnering with Tekmetric. That being said, it's understandable to wonder what makes this type of auto repair software stand out from the competition. With that in mind, here are four benefits of Tekmetric for auto repair business owners.
Keeping Business Data Secure
You've probably heard quite a few news stories about business data breaches. Customers trust businesses to keep their information secure. Without a secure data storage system, your auto shop could be at risk of getting hacked. These hacks often completely destroy the trust you've worked so hard to build with your customers. Therefore, it's best to avoid these problems by implementing safe and secure software. Tekmetric utilizes enterprise-level security to make sure that company and customer information is safely encrypted.
Going Paperless
In the past, many auto body shops were filled with a wide range of documents. This isn't only harmful to the environment, it's extremely risky. If a fire or other type of natural disaster were to happen near your shop, these documents would likely be destroyed. This could have terrible ramifications for your auto repair business. Tekmetric allows auto repair companies to go paperless. This means being able to store and send estimates, bills, and other documents digitally. In turn, your auto body shop will be able to save both space and costs associated with storing large amounts of documents.
Easily Staying in Touch with Customers
No one wants to deal without having an automobile. Therefore, auto repair shops are often busy locations. If you feel that it's difficult to reach customers, it's time to consider using auto repair software. Tekmetric's software enables auto body shop owners to utilize SMS messaging and email to reach clients. This enables you to easily send out estimates, updates, and invoices to your customers.
Great for Managing Multiple Business Locations
As your body shop becomes more successful, you might think of opening additional locations. In many cases, this is a key aspect of having success in this industry. If you're using outdated auto repair software, it's going to be difficult to manage multiple shops. Fortunately, Tekmetric helps ease the stress associated with expanding your business. Tekmetric's auto shop repair software allows you to manage each of your body shops from a single location. You'll only need internet access in order to check up on your locations at any time. This means being able to easily keep track of inventory, invoices, and all other aspects associated with managing your auto shop.
In conclusion, it's wise for auto shop owners to consider upgrading their software. If you're looking for an easier way to manage your auto repair company, consider partnering with Tekmetric. This company provides auto repair software to shops of all sizes. In addition, Tekmetric offers 99.99% uptime which means you'll rarely have to worry about system outages. If you're wanting to take your auto repair company to the next level, it's wise to consider partnering with Tekmetric.