5 situations need lawyer car accident

5 Situations Where You Need a Lawyer If You’ve Been Involved in a Car Accident

Statistics say that by the time you have been driving for thirty years, you will likely have been involved in at least three car accidents. Luckily, not every one of them will cause serious damage. In fact, in most of them you will probably walk away irritated and a little stressed, but grateful that everyone was unharmed and there was only minor damage done.

Sometimes, though, the damage is greater or the situation warrants the need for an attorney in order to get your repairs or medical treatment paid. Here are 5 situations in which you may need to consider hiring an attorney to represent you for your car accident.

5 Cases Where an Attorney Can Help You Through Your Car Accident Claim

1. When fault is in question. If the car accident was clearly one driver’s fault, you may be able to simply call your insurance company and file a claim and let them handle the rest. However, if the at-fault party is questionable, you may need an attorney to prove your innocence and get your claims paid.


2. When negligence is contested. While the other driver may be clearly at fault, if they contest their negligence you may need to obtain an attorney to establish the liability. Contested liability can hold up claims processing for an extended time, causing you to have difficulties getting your car fixed and medical bills paid, and increasing the tension in an already stressful time.

3. When the insurance company has limited their payout. Insurance adjusters, no matter how nice they seem, ultimately have the company’s best interest at heart, not yours. Because of this, their role is to minimize how much they pay out for each claim.


They also have been known to attempt to trick a policyholder into admitting to fault. This can prevent you from recovering benefits that you should have been entitled to. Before you make a statement to an insurance adjuster, talk to a personal injury attorney. Online research can easily help you find a knowledgeable attorney by navigating to places like this website to find help.

4. When you are injured in a car accident. After an accident, there is already a lot of stress involved with handling the major and minor aspects of the claim. From lost wages to car damage repair, you have enough to do. If you are injured, you need to be able to concentrate on recovering from the accident. Let an expert handle the details of your claim while you focus on returning to as close to pre-accident status as possible.


5. When the accident resulted in a fatality. Injuries and fatalities are all too common in car accidents. These are often the effect of someone’s negligent driving. Wrongful deaths to motor vehicle crashes number at over 40,000 per year, and if you were involved in a car accident that resulted in a fatality, or were related to the deceased, you should contact an attorney immediately to help you handle your claim.

The Right Time to Call an Attorney is Now

If you were involved in a car accident and are unsure as to whether you will need to file a lawsuit, you should always schedule a consultation to see if you have a case. Most consultations are free, and the longer you wait, the more difficult it may be to get your claims and treatment covered and get you the benefits you are entitled to.

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